Join North Carolina Right to Life for the 23rd Annual Prayer Breakfast for Life to continue on the ardous fight for life, the most essential cause. Your contribution to the Prayer Breakfast will enable our work across the Tar Heel State to fight for the most vulnerable and allow them the right of life. Varying levels of sponsorship will allow you to provide for our cause in the way that best accomodates you and your group. We at North Carolina Right to Life would like to thank you for remaining vigilant about this cause above all causes in a time of great confusion in the world. At the 23rd iteration of the Prayer Breakfast, we welcome Dr. Susan Bane MD, PhD, CTHC. Dr Bane, is a life-affirming OB/GYN on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Pro-Life OB/GYNs (AAPLOG) dedicated to advocacy for life. Thank you for fighting for those who can't fight for themselves.